Summertime 2017 at PCoV. In August our studio celebrates our 8th year of business. This year I feel like we have really found our niche as the premier boutique Pilates studio in Brevard county. Offering the most diverse classes in town and creating unique Pilates sessions for our private clients. As you know on the Pilates side it's just been Francesca and I for quite some time. The ladies of PCoV would like to extend a big welcome to Noelle our new Pilates instructor in training. Noelle comes with strong roots in dance (30+yrs) and yoga.She longed to get certified in Pilates but couldn't find the right program for her locally. Well, the stars must have lined up, thanks to a dear friend and client, introductions were made and voila, Noelle and I have jumped into some serious Pilates training. I am so excited to be training someone that is already as passionate about the work as I am and truly feel blessed to be a part of Noelle's Pilates journey. She is currently working as a financial analyst (maybe she will teach us how to count?) but has plans to make Pilates her full time gig. Most importantly I know she is going to be a great fit at PCoV. I can't wait for you all to get to know her!

Bear with us the month of August will be a slimmed down class schedule due to vacations. Don't fret we will back to our full schedule mid-September. Kicking it all off with a Fall Fitness Party PCoV style. Stay tuned for times and dates! Keep up with our daily shenanigans on our Facebookpage