Happy 2020 and wow, it is almost February already!
If you have been in the studio in the past week you have heard the news.
It's BIG ,EXCITING and a smidge scary. The studio will be moving in April to Cocoa Village. We have loved our location here in Suntree and I honestly thought this would be our end place but it's just too big for Francesca and I. The rents in Suntree/Viera are the highest in Brevard County & have become unsustainable for our small studio.
Once lease negotiations are completed we will give you full details. I can tell you this, there is plenty of parking , its one block from Brevard Ave. and some of the best BBQ in Brevard County is across the street . 😜🙌🏻 We will continue to offer privates, duos and small group classes . I'm very excited to be a part of an area that really supports small business .
We will be a part of Cocoa Village which is a community that I have loved ever since I moved back to Brevard County in 2003. Its a dream to be a business in Cocoa Village . Small little known fact I used to teach Pilates in the Cocoa Riverfront Park right after I became certified. It feels like I have come full circle (a magic circle 😂)
We plan on being in our current space until April 1 .
So, no excuses to get those workouts in! Get ready for our February challenge!
Whomever takes the most classes wins a private session with me & this Peach gym bag!
(so many pockets!!)

By the way have you seen the new Modern Studio collection?
We have samples at the studio and the link is below😉
I'm in love with the new camo leggings and the seamless tops.
January is always a great time to freshen up your fitness closet Happy Shopping!